looking for slightly older Smart Cutter version

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looking for slightly older Smart Cutter version

Post by Hey-CharlieC »

I tested Smart Cutter using an earlier version, downloaded and tested around September of October 2012 I think.
It worked well. Unfortunately, I did not keep the old version that I liked from the tests.

After recently purchasing and installing the latest Ver 1.6.5, I am having all sorts of crashes, mostly related to scrolling the video files, maybe other problems too.

In another topic, I found a link to smart.cutter. v1.4.8, and that works much better, but I prefer to not too use one that old.

Is there a page, some kind of archive, that lists (links to) older versions so I can get off the problematic current 1.6.5?

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Re: looking for slightly older Smart Cutter version

Post by admin »

Dear Hey-CharlieC:
Thanks for your message.

Here is the old version 1.6.2

'Ver 1.6.5, I am having all sorts of crashes ... v1.4.8, and that works much better'
Please help us to show and identify the problem, so we can fix it in the new verison.

Could you please upload a video sample to our ftp server for a test?

It would be better if the sample file size is less than 50 MB.

If you can not find small sample, use this simple tool to split your movie file into small pieces, and upload any one of them.
http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-S ... rger.shtml
before uploading sample, please create sub-directory with your name under the root, then upload sample to this sub-directory.

FULL priviliged --- mkdir, read, write, remove
Will be helpful to limit the sample file size under 50MB.
Thank you.

FTP Username: samples@fame-ring.com
Password: samples
FTP Server: ftp.fame-ring.com
FTP Server Port: 21

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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