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Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:29 pm
by Battler
After years of great service my original Hauppauge HD PVR was trashed in a recent storm

I've replaced it with a Hauppauge HD PVR 2 and much to my dismay Smartcutter (1.6.2) can't open the recorded M2TS (my preference) and TS files. Further whilst I can open and edit MP4 files they frequently cause Smartcutter to crash and don't appear to edit frame accurate (appears to be selecting reference frames)

Various blogs have noted recent problems with the Hauppauge drivers is there likely to be any fixes soon?

I'll upload some samples to examine


BTW Keep the good work - Smartcutter is a brilliantly effective product

Re: Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:22 am
by admin
Dear Battler:
Thanks for your sample files.

After a quick check on the .m2ts sample, we found that it has many null(empty) packets on the file start, if we remove these empty packets manully then it is okay to open and cut in Smart Cutter.
After more tests on it we think the developers can find a solution soon.
We will keep you posted about the progress.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:26 am
by Battler
Thank you for the quick reply.

I had hoped it was a simple as I have been able to play and remux M2TS files (with mixed success) so know the data is likely ok

I look forward to a solution as do many others having similar problems with the latest Hauppauge drivers

Re: Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:22 am
by admin
Dear Battler:
Thanks for your sample file.

We think we have solved this in version 1.6.3, you may please try it on your end

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:10 pm
by Battler
Thank you so much for the quick update

I've tested the new version (1.6.3) with .m2ts and .ts captures from my Hauppauge HD PVR 2.

Smartcutter now can open and edit both streamed file types. Further I've had the chance to test the seek and edit with large files (>20gb) and had no recurrence of the program crashing I get when seeking in large .mp4 captures.

I've re edited some .mp4 captures. Smartcutter cerainly doesn't seem to select frames accuratly in these files. It appears to default to reference frames. Likely its problems with either the Hauppauge software's H264 code or the file structure. Perhaps your developers may want to have another look at the .mp4 sample I uploaded.

I've very happy editing in .m2ts so my issues (any many of your users) are similarly resolved

Again thank you very much and compliments of the season to your team

Re: Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:56 pm
by Battler


I've spoken to soon - and should have done a little more testing (but have been travelling). The holiday period has given me a little time to get back and do some more editing.

There appears to be some significant audio track issues (>1500ms at every edit point including start) when editing recordings with the newer Hauppauge HD PVR 2. I've edited over a dozen files now and all have similar issues. This is surprising as the latest versions have been doing a excellent job with my older HD PVR.

I've been cleaning up the audio tracks using eacto so its not presented an immediate issue but be good to get resolved.

I have samples to upload but having trouble logging into your FTP server. Perhaps down for maintenance at present so I'll keep trying


Sample eac3to report:

TS, 1 video track, 1 audio track, 0:58:12, 50i
1: h264/AVC, 1080i50 (16:9)
2: AAC, 2.0 channels, 192kbps, 48kHz, -1295ms
[a02] Extracting audio track number 2...
[a02] Applying AAC delay...
[a02] A remaining delay of +6ms could not be fixed.
[a02] Creating file "C:\Users\MEDIA\Videos\aaa Convert\T2_Audio - .aac"...
[a02] This track is not clean. <WARNING>
[a02] Audio overlaps for 1216ms at playtime 0:16:00. <WARNING>
[a02] Audio overlaps for 859ms at playtime 0:26:53. <WARNING>
[a02] Audio overlaps for 675ms at playtime 0:38:55. <WARNING>
[a02] Starting 2nd pass...
[a02] Extracting audio track number 2...
[a02] Applying AAC delay...
[a02] A remaining delay of +6ms could not be fixed.
[a02] Realizing AAC gaps...
[a02] Creating file "C:\Users\MEDIA\Videos\aaa Convert\T2_Audio - .aac"...
Video track 1 contains 224 frames and 174164 fields.
eac3to processing took 1 minute, 31 seconds.

Re: Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:32 pm
by Battler
Samples uploaded