Smart Cutter First Time User Questions

The world's first H.264 AVCHD accurate cutter without re-encoding!
Smart Cutter and Mate for DV and DVB.
Smart products manages, splits, joins movies from DV Camcorder and DVB HD PVR.
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Smart Cutter First Time User Questions

Post by glieb »

Hello, I am evaluating Smart Cutter demo version and there are several features I have questions on:

1. When I do DETECT AD on a movie with commercials in it, it runs for about a half hour incrementing the % until it reaches 100%. When i press LEAVE It then creates segments that are not an accurate representation of where the commercials are. Any way to improve this performance?
2. After I go through the movie and manually create all my segments (because DETECT AD is not effective) , being careful to put edits only on BLACK frames, the transcoding PREVIEW screen shows some edits a few seconds off from where I put them. I assume that is because a cut can only be made at a KEY frame, and so it adjusts the point of the cut. How can I preview this BEFORE the transcoding process so that I can move the cut to a better spot?
3. After my segments are created I can click on a segment and start play at the beginning of that segment. How can I determine/find where the END of a segment is? It is easy to find the beginning but not the end.
4. The FF and RW buttons do not work on my version. About all they do is move the time code ahead about 2 seconds for each click. What is the trick to using them effectively?

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Re: Smart Cutter First Time User Questions

Post by admin »

Dear glieb:
Thanks for your message.

'1.creates segments that are not an accurate representation of where the commercials are'
Actually there's no perfect way to find all those commercials, the Detect AD function helps to locate most of them, after that, please tune the cut points of found segments manually.

'2.How can I preview this BEFORE the transcoding process so that I can move the cut to a better spot?'
We are building a better Preview function now.

'3.I can click on a segment and start play at the beginning of that segment. ... How can I determine/find where the END of a segment is?'
Click on the bottom-right thumb image, it will jump to the end point.

'4.The FF and RW buttons do not work on my version.'
Does this happen on a specific video file or on all video files? What's the video file format?

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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