difficult file for Smartcutter

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difficult file for Smartcutter

Post by mtamilia »

I typically use smartcutter to edit DVB-T and DVB-S recordings. I usually have no problems, it works great.
Recently I recorded a SAT file from the Italian broadcaster RAI2 on Hotbird.
It is a plain H.264 video 1920x1080 with 2 audio tracks, one is AC3 the other is mpeg.
Now what I usually do is to edit the recording through Smartcutter, then transform into mkv file.
This time Smartcutter does the job as usual although it takes some time. The result is a video file, perfectly readable by VLC.

However neither mkvmergeGUI neither UsEAC3To do recognize the file as valid.

What I did was to pass the original recording to TSREMUX and send the result to smartcutter.
This time the result comes much faster but DOES NOT play in VLC.
However UsEAC3To do recognize the file and can now create the mkv file.
VLC can then read the final mkv file.

Many people say one should always remux the ts, but I prefer to have as less elaboration as possible on recordings.
This time it made the day, but I am quite puzzled on why this happened.

Does somebody have an idea?
Thanks a lot/Ciao

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Re: difficult file for Smartcutter

Post by admin »

Dear Marco:
Thanks for your message.

'what I usually do is to edit the recording through Smartcutter, then transform into mkv file.'
Could you please tell us why would you transform it into MKV? Why not just use TS file directly?

'neither mkvmergeGUI neither UsEAC3To do recognize the file as valid.'

Please help us to show and identify the problem.

Could you please upload a original video sample showing the problem to our ftp server for a test?

It would be better if the sample file size is less than 50 MB.

If you can not find small sample, use this simple tool to split your movie file into small pieces, and upload any one of them.
http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-S ... rger.shtml
before uploading sample, please create sub-directory with your name under the root, then upload sample to this sub-directory.

FULL priviliged --- mkdir, read, write, remove
Will be helpful to limit the sample file size under 50MB.
Thank you.

FTP Username: samples@fame-ring.com
Password: samples
FTP Server: ftp.fame-ring.com
FTP Server Port: 21
Here is also a step by step tutorial for uploading sample(s):

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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Re: difficult file for Smartcutter

Post by mtamilia »

Hi and thanks for the answer.
I usually use the .mkv because it is betterly handled by the devices I use for playback, especially fast forward and rewind.
This is generally true for VLC under Win/Linux, and my main player, a WDTVLive new breed.
Also my Android device is better geared at .mkv files than .ts.
Inddeed I read the .mkv file was designed just as a container and optimised to a better indexing way and is becoming quite a de-facto standard.
To state they all handle .mkv better that .ts, it is not to say they cannot play .ts. I could of course use the .ts but I'm just used at it.
I will upload a sample. Thanks for your help.

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Re: difficult file for Smartcutter

Post by mtamilia »

uploaded right now!
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Re: difficult file for Smartcutter

Post by mtamilia »

The file I have uploaded is shorter as per your instructions than the recording it originated the troubles.
The problem in here is even worse. Smartcutter cannot even open the file!!!
If I use TsRemux0212.exe and create a remuxed .ts file then I can open it with smartcutter.
I have uploaded also a recording always working fine maybe you can spot differences, to my VLC "info" they are coded the same way.


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Re: difficult file for Smartcutter

Post by admin »

Dear mtamilia:
We now have a new version 1.8.7 of Smart Cutter
Please try it on your end, see whether it helps.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu May 22, 2014 10:08 pm

Re: difficult file for Smartcutter

Post by mtamilia »

First of all thank you for the assistance.
I have installed the new version, but what I get is difficult for me to understand.
The new version actually reads the files I had problems before.
However i recorded a 2 hour movie from RAI2HD (same channel I had problems before and whose 1-minute chunk provided the basis for the fix) expecting to be OK.
Instead the file is unreadable, the program hangs for 30 seconds or so and then it shows nothing.
There are 3 different streams from RAIHD, they are RAI1HD, RAI2HD, and RAI3HD.
I then recorded 1 minute of each channel and.....
Smartcutter can read RAI1HD and RAI2HD but NOT RAI3HD.
I tried to TSremux the 2 hour movie and then Smartcutter can read the file.
I am puzzled. Maybe RAI transmits some strange ts randomly on the 3 channels.

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