Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

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Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by JeanPaulo »


I do have a lot of troubles when using a 'cut' .m2ts file from ARTE (related in 'other hardware' forum).

As I could not open the 'cut' file in AVS Converter, I just created a full .mp4 file with it as follow :
Nom complet : C:\Video_temp\Real humans 3-4 ARTE HD.pvr\real humans 3-4.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Profil du format : Base Media / Version 2
Identifiant du codec : mp42
Taille du fichier : 9,56 Gio
Durée : 2h 44mn
Débit global moyen : 8 294 Kbps
Date d'encodage : UTC 2013-04-18 16:50:23
Date de marquage : UTC 2013-04-18 16:50:23
Bibliothèque utilisée : AVS

ID : 1
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Profil du format : Main@L5.1
Paramètres du format, CABAC : Oui
Paramètres du format, RefFrames : 2 images
Identifiant du codec : avc1
Identifiant du codec/Info : Advanced Video Coding
Durée : 2h 44mn
Débit : 8 583 Kbps
Largeur : 1 920 pixels
Hauteur : 1 080 pixels
Format à l'écran : 16/9
Type d'images/s : Constant
Images par seconde : 25,000 Im/s
Espace de couleurs : YUV
Sous-échantillonnage de la chrom : 4:2:0
Profondeur des couleurs : 8 bits
Type d'image : Progressif
Bits/(Pixel*Image) : 0.166
Taille du flux : 9,89 Gio
Langue : Anglais
Date d'encodage : UTC 2013-04-18 16:50:23
Date de marquage : UTC 2013-04-18 16:50:23

ID : 2
Format : AAC
Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec
Profil du format : LC
Identifiant du codec : 40
Durée : 2h 44mn
Type de débit : Constant
Débit : 192 Kbps
Canaux : 2 canaux
Position des cannaux : Front: L R
Echantillonnage : 48,0 KHz
Mode de compression : Avec perte
Taille du flux : 223 Mio (2%)
Langue : Anglais
Date d'encodage : UTC 2013-04-18 16:50:23
Date de marquage : UTC 2013-04-18 16:50:23

The file runs correctly in the latest VLC player

When I try to open this file in Smart 1.7.0 (but 1.4.7 is the same), the program crashes while moving through the file.
The Windows 7 report is :
Signature du problème :
Nom d’événement de problème: APPCRASH
Nom de l’application: smart.exe
Version de l’application:
Horodatage de l’application: 51654aef
Nom du module par défaut: msvcrt.dll
Version du module par défaut: 7.0.7601.17744
Horodateur du module par défaut: 4eeaf722
Code de l’exception: c0000005
Décalage de l’exception: 00009c7f
Version du système: 6.1.7601.
Identificateur de paramètres régionaux: 1036
Information supplémentaire n° 1: 0a9e
Information supplémentaire n° 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Information supplémentaire n° 3: 0a9e
Information supplémentaire n° 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

It seems that a smaller file would work, but I am not certain.

Regards, JPL
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by admin »

Dear JeanPaulo:
Thanks for your message.

Could you please upload a video sample to our ftp server for a test?

It would be better if the sample file size is less than 50 MB. If you could, please describe the problem associated with the sample.

before uploading sample, please create sub-directory with your name under the root, then upload sample to this sub-directory.

FULL priviliged --- mkdir, read, write, remove
Will be helpful to limit the sample file size under 50MB.
Thank you.

FTP Username:
Password: samples
FTP Server:
FTP Server Port: 21

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

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FameRing Support Team
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by JeanPaulo »


Thanks for your help.

I have been very unlucky trying to find a way to 'clean' the .m2ts files, all tools I tried failed...
I found Format Factory, which DOES accept to use the file cut by smart, and produce a good .mp4
from it. Alas, it does not seem to be able to use anything else than the first audio channel. Failure there too...

But I have been lucky in documenting the new problem. As the original .mp4 10 Gb+ file will not be accepted
by Smart, I used a windows tool to 'split' the file in 20 Mb segments (496 of them).

Well, I am uploading now in JeanPaulo directory the first segment : Disk1.mp4 .
It still plays in VLC, and it still crashes Smart 1.7 when trying
to move the cursor after loading, just like the full file does.

I hope this will help.

Best regards, JeanPaulo.
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by admin »

Dear JeanPaulo:
Thanks for your sample file.

But this file is a corrupt video, it contains header structure but the actual video data was truncated wrongfully.
The header shows the file is 2 hour 44 minutes long, but it only has 20MB physical file size. Yes we know some video players may show and playback some frames from it, but Smart Cutter needs a fully valid movie for accurate frame editing.
May you please start your recorder for around 1 minute then stop the recording, so as to generate a valid sample?

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by JeanPaulo »

Thanks, but Sorry, this is not possible.

The file has not been recorded, but converted by AVS Converter from a 10 Gb source.

AVS will not open the 'cut' file made by Smart, and it will not cut properly the source.

I know that the file is vonluntarily TRUNCATED under windows, so it will be meaningless
AFTER a few seconds.

However, the error made by Smart cutter is exactly the same with the full file (that I cannot send,
of course) and the extract I gave.

I tried with another recorded file of the same lenght and Channel. The Mp4 is smaller (5 Go),
and it is accepted and cut by Smart.

So, may be there is a corrupted header ?

None of this is very usefull, as AVS is not giving a very good image, and the files just
'cut' by smart in .ts format will not paly correctly on the recorder. I am stuck with
bas solutions and quality...

Regards, JPL
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by JeanPaulo »

OK, I had a too quick answer, so I will try to be complete.

I tried a second file, more recent, and it fails the same way, near the middle. But the work of AVS was a bit strange there.

I tried to create a similar record of 1 minute, but it is really 1:46. So it is a bit larger that 100 Mb.

But I am not uploading it and the various conversion/cutting, because NONE of the problems are seen of this short
clip... (I can do it if you request it anyway)

I will resume the problem :

- The decoder can read back the TNT files, but it is hard to skip segments, and
the timing given by Smart is not exactly right.

- If the file is cut by Smart, the decoder will not play it in 'record' mode, then
in 'video' mode the sub-titles will be missing and playing is 'jerky'

- If the .ts file is cut by Smart, AVS (converter) will not always accept it.

In short :
AVS will not convert all files cut by Smart
Smart will not cut some (long) files converted by AVS

For the test file (1'46") :

- Avs will not cut PROPERLY the file (it is 46", but the beginning is not cut, only the end)

- Smart cutter will accept a short .mp4 file (40") created by AVS

- Avs will accept a short file cut by Smart, but fail on a large one...

Regards, JPL
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by admin »

Dear JeanPaulo:
Thanks for your message.

The problem sounds really strange.
1.What is the version of AVS converter you are using?
2.If you have a TS sample short, may you please upload it so we can test it on our end.

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by JeanPaulo »

Thanks and Hello.

On the 3 problems resumed, one is solved. I am using the latest version of AVS Converter

I did not understand completely the AVS doc, so I was unable to cut the .ts files. In fact, AVS is doing the contrary
of the usual way, one must 'select' what should be CUT in the clip, not what should be KEPT.

So, this problem is solved. There is no need to cut the .ts file before using AVS.

I will upload the short file, but as I said, it does not seem to present the 'crash' problem. The screen capture will
show what happens with a longer file (58 ') when loaded into AVS.

My main problem with AVS is now that the produced .mp4 files show very obvious 'colour banding', but that
is not your problem anyway.

Regards, JeanPaulo
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by JeanPaulo »


I know that the problem is rather oriented 'Avs' fault, but I have difficulties getting a clear small cutting.

Using the large file that get AVS errors when opened, I created a small .ts segment that contains a 'glitch'
in TNT reception.

It is not exactly the preceding symptom. When I try to open the file I uploaded (Real 4 cut freeze.ts),
AVS Convert freezes completely after the first errors. (Both VLC and smplayer freeze too there)

The question is that the full original real4 .ts file (10.4 Go) DOES NOT make the converter or Smplayer
freeze (and neither the TV Decoder who received it)

If I can cut the file who 'Crashed' AVS (instead of just freezing it) to a small enough segment, I will
upload it. This second file (real 6) does not have the obvious stream error, but some subtile
'small square' effects when played on TV.

It may be two symptoms of the same problem, but both do not happen with the original files.

Thanks and regards, JeanPaulo.
Posts: 20
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Re: Smart cutter 1.4 and 1.7.0 crash

Post by JeanPaulo »


I am ready to give up on AVSforyou. Besides having troubles with the files cut by Smart, they say that they cannot
reproduce my main problem, which is severe 'colour banding' on ALL the files they produced, whatever the codec
implied. :evil:
I tried Format Factory, and if it is quite unable to edit a file, it can take most of the files produced by smart,
and give a perfect quality in the varying color areas.

Si I would perfectly understand if you want to close the issue of AVS crashes, unles you are curious about
what could be wrong in the cut files.

I tried again unsuccessfully to create a SMALL file with the problem.

I re-cut the original Real6 file (58 minutes). It crashes immediately in AVS. Curiously, the duration
given is 24'17" instead of 58'. (address violation in AVSTSCore4.dll)

I tried to cut it again in 10 minutes segment. Curriously all segments except the first would now run perfectly.

The first segment would not crash like the full file, but will get to 'Freeze' AVS completely.

A Smallest segment of only 28" will not have a problem.

I will stil try to cut a segment with the problem, maybe around the 24' area.

If I succeed, I will also put it on the server.

Regards, JeanPaulo.
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